libra through and through

The finished piece that will be appearing in Blanket Magazine in June.  The project was about astrological signs.  I did Libra, since I am a Libra.  I could do whatever I wanted for this project, and it was definitely a lot of fun, especially using those warm colors.

Last week I saw two shows – Yeasayer and Beach House (in that order).  Loved them both.  Yeasayer was just plain fun and Beach House was beautiful-  in both sound and venue.  The concert was in an old church – 2640 St. John’s Church and put on by a Baltimore co-op coffee house – Red Emma’s.

Beach House, with their hand-made spinning confetti props on stage.  Went perfectly with the music – very moody and somewhat haunting, like Victoria Legrand’s voice.

stopping point?

Here’s what I’ve been working on for a little while, all the pieces put together.  I still have sketches of conjuring up some sort of background (something simple…) but I thought I would put this up for now.  It’s at a point where it could be complete.

I have had internet issues for a while, and I couldn’t figure out if it was my computer or the router.  Well, the router bit the dust this weekend so I replaced it and things are so much better!  I can watch my internet tv again!  This has caused me to watch Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, which is both mesmerizing and sad to me.  I try not to eat a lot of processed food and cook with fresh veggies, but I still love that greasy pizza and sweets.  The people he’s trying to help… live in another food universe.  Pizza everyday!  Chicken nuggets!  French fries on a regular basis.  Crazy unhealthy!

root beer bundt cake + sewing

Last night I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open.  It was 11:30pm.  I didn’t get nearly anything completed last night (art-wise), so I woke up at 6:30am this morning to try and be productive.  Here’s what I was sewing before I left for work:

Part of the reason I didn’t get all my sewing/blogging done was because of this cake:

That is a root beer chocolate bundt cake. Root beer fudge frosting to be added tonight.  I love to bake.

consulation: a nice dinner

Last week was full of productivity.  I can’t say the same for this week so far.  Here are the fruits of my labors this week:

To my credit, I have been trying to get into the groove of writing in Brown Paper Bag.  I’ve had some technical roadblocks that prevent me from uploading images to Brown Paper Bag while I’m at work.  I have to do them all at home, meaning I have to spend the time to at least browse images and upload them the night before (or morning of).

This girl is a redux of An Invisible Sign of My Own.  Remember that?  I didn’t like where the project was going, but I did like the one idea I had for a piece of work, so I’m scraping whatever I had before and going for the gold (like the olympics!) on this one.

That hair that she has on now is not actually the hair.  It’s just a pattern and placeholder.

I want to get into mono printing.  What do I need to know?  Someone inform me, blogosphere.  Can I use acrylic paint and water them down?

artist fridays: megan whitmarsh

I have been such a blogging deadbeat lately!  Sorry, blogosphere!  The snowpolyse gave me two days off work this week, one being yesterday.  I escaped my neighborhood for the day by attending a decadent brunch with some friends… not leaving time for blogging in the afternoon!

This is my last daily post with Marshmellow Kisses.  From now on you can check out Brown Paper Bag for all your daily art posts.  I will still update this blog with my work on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (at the very least).

Okay, now on to Artist Fridays!  I present to you the work of Megan Whitmarsh.  She’s an artist that has made work for some time, and whose website catalogs the years she’s been working, making it interesting to see the progression of her work.   My favorite of her work is actually from 2006/2007, when she used a lot of embroidery in her work.  She has since transitioned from embroidery to sculpture.  It’s all very nice, but I love the insular worlds that she creates with her (slightly) older work.

All images via her website.



in progess and blog talk

Wednesday already, huh!  Still chugging along on this piece:

I didn’t add too much to it last night, but there is another part (the giant man – I am redoing him) that I didn’t post.  That will be for FRIDAY, when I finish this.

Also I have been working on another blog to be launched around Valentines Day that won’t really be about me at all, but will be more about works on paper that I like. A more professional blog.  Marshmellow Kisses will still be around, but it won’t be as frequently posted in and will be more personal work than it is now.  Stay tuned!

With the new blog, I’ve been working through rather than  It’s amazing the amount of content-managed sites that are built using  Big names – CNN,, etc., all use the wordpress source.

over my useless weekend

I am still working on the same piece I’ve been working on for a while now —  I was hoping that I could finish it this past weekend but Sunday rendered me utterly useless.  Plus,  I took out the guy I had originally in the piece because I want to redo him.  I’m also working on another blog (which I will be launching around Valentine’s Day!) so I’ve been slowly learning some code and reading tutorials on how to make a more dynamic blog by using and not

The background on this is done for the most part – really, there isn’t too much left!  My goal is to finish this by FRIDAY.  Let’s see if I can make it happen!

artist fridays: amy cutler

While I was in Los Angles last summer, I stayed with my friend Jess.  Jess has a lot of neat/interesting things in her apartment, one of them being a framed picture of a woman sewing up tigers.  I really enjoyed the delicacy of the work as well as the fantastical-yet-grounded imagery.

It wasn’t until recently that I found out that the artist in question was named Amy Cutler.  I looked up her other work, and it all has totally blown me away.  I find it very compelling and so masterfully done – it’s very luscious with rich pattens and line work.  The style is confident and very matter-of-fact, making anything that happens in her world seem grounded in normalcy.

I think I respond so positively to Amy because she has in her work what I want in my own – her associations with dreams, surrealism and fairy tales.

She is an internationally know artist and has many solo and group exhibitions.  She doesn’t have a website, but is represented by Leslie Tonkonow in New York City.

All images via Image Google (yes, for real why does it feel like I’m using Wikipedia to write a research paper?).

papercraft chronicles

As mentioned yesterday, I wrote that I’d be sharing this book today.  Papercraft is a book on the art and design of paper.  The book is a beast – so many beautiful pages to pour over.   In addition to the beautiful artwork that it holds, it’s also nicely designed.

It includes a variety of different cut-paper designs and applications.   The book is a great way  of showing how paper can be pushed from just a surface to draw on, to something more sculptural and tangible.  It’s extremely extensive and even includes a dvd in the back of the book!

I tend to enjoy the type of paper construction that’s a bit more flat (applied to a surface and design oriented) but comes up off that plane to suggest the fact that it is,  infact, somewhat 3D.  There is plenty of that in this book, in addition to things that are tangible item to hold – replicas of objects done in paper.  Papercraft also shows the conceptual side of the medium too, including gallery work.

In one of my illustration classes, Cornel Rubino told us that you’re only as good as your library.  I’m glad to have this book in my arsenal.

Here are some artists that I enjoyed out of the book.

Carlos Giovani Estudio:

Dan McPharlin:

Jean Jullien:

Jen Stark: (Fun fact – she went to my school.  I remember seeing this show in the student gallery)

Julien Vallee:

Michael Velliquette:  (My favorite in the book!)